Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24

Sept 24

1) Field Trip forms went home today.   Please return them as soon as possible. Information regarding volunteering has been sent out in an email to those who have volunteer clearance. 

As a parent volunteer, the CBE requires a police clearance; if you do not have this document, we regret that you will not be able to come at this time. If you would like to volunteer in the future, please visit the office with your photo identification and ask for a volunteer clearance form.

Please let me know if you are available to volunteer on October 3 for our Heritage Park field trip and have the appropriate clearances in place.  

2) Fall art: On Thursday Sept 27th, students will be creating a composition of leaf rubbings. We will be asking students to bring in a variety of fallen leaves that they can use to create their rubbings.  

3) Orange Shirt day: Royal Oak Students are invited to wear an orange shirt on Friday, September 28th in recognition of Orange Shirt Day.  

“Orange Shirt Day is also an opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations of children to come.”

To learn more about why we are wearing an orange shirt, we have provided a link that explains Phyllis’ story below:

Thank you, from the Circle of Courage Committee 

Coming up
Sept 27  - Leaf rubbings art project 
Sept 28th - Orange Shirt Day
Oct 3rd  - Heritage Park Field Trip
Oct 8th  - Thanksgiving no school
Oct 11th  - Picture Day 
Oct 11th  - Disciplinary Literacy Parent evening

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sept 18

Sept 18

This week in grade 2 we have been learning all about how to stay safe at school. So far we have successfully practiced a fire drill and a lockdown. Tomorrow we will be practicing our evacuation.  During the evacuation drill we will be walking up to WD Pratt school.  Please make sure your child brings a coat!!

 Heritage Park Field trip  On October 3rd our class will be taking a field trip to Heritage Park where they will explore the artifacts, learn more about Alberta's past and think like historians.   At the moment the paper work is still in the process of being approved but we wanted to let you know that this trip will be coming up.  More information will be coming home to you soon. If you are interested in volunteering, I will also be sending that information out soon as well.   Please remember that all volunteers must have current security clearance and that no siblings are allowed on field trips.  Thank you for your continued support.

Student Centered Conferences

Student Centered Conferences
On Thursday, September 20th and Friday, September 21st we will have our first Student Centered Conferences. A reminder to parents that:
·      Thursday, September 20th is a regular school day for Grades 1 – 3.  9:10am entry, 3:50pm dismissal.
·      There will be no school for Kindergarten students only on Thursday, September 20th.
·      There will be no school for Kindergarten – Grade 3 on Friday, September 21st
Additionally, the School Conference booking system will close TONIGHT, Tuesday, September 18th at 11:59pm.
The following instructions will help you find the My CBE/PowerSchool Parent Account link to book conferences:
Booking School Conferences
  • On the Calgary Board of Education website, scroll to the middle of the page
  • Click on “My CBE/PowerSchool Parent Account” link
  • Sign into your PowerSchool Parent Account
  • Click on myCBE Apps (left hand side of screen)
  • Click on my School Conferences (right hand side of screen)
  • Select the conference day/time and submit to book your child’s conference
***NOTE: You will receive an email confirmation only if your booking was successful***
If you have not created a "My CBE/PowerSchool Account", the instructions to do so can be found here Create MyCBE/PowerSchool Parent Account

Monday, September 17, 2018

Artifact sharing

Today the students started sharing their family artifacts.  It was really interesting to hear the stories behind what made each artifact special to that child and family.  Please remember to help your child rehearse what they are going to say. We are looking to hear where in the world the artifact originated from, who originally owned it, how old is it, if it was purchased or made, and why it is special to your family.  These presentations are a springboard into our inquiry around the question, "How do our stories connect?"  Students will need to keep the following criteria in mind as they present and as they record their observations, thinking and wonderings about the artifacts. 

The presenter:
  •        I can hold up my artifact so everyone can see it.
  •        I can tell the story of my artifact. – Where it is from, who made it or who owned it first, why it is special.
  •        I can speak in a loud clear voice with expression while looking at my audience.
  •        I can tell a story that makes sense.
  •        I can make my story so interesting that people want to know more.

The audience:
  •        I can sit criss-cross with my listening ears on.
  •        I can ask those who are talking to stop.
  •        I can listen quietly.
  •        I can think of questions before, during and after the presentation.
  •        I can watch the person who is presenting without getting distracted.
  •        I can wait till the end to ask questions.
  •        I can look, think and wonder about the artifact.
  •        I can record my observations, thoughts and questions in my journal.

Please book a conference time!

This message is to inform you that a School Conference called "Thurs Sep 20 - K-Gr. 3 Student-Centred Conferences (Eve)" has been created by your school. Please note that the start date for parent’s booking is 16:00 PM (Sep 13, 2018), and booking ends at 11:59 AM (Sep 19, 2018).

My (School) Conference For Parents

All parents with children enrolled in the Calgary Board of Education schools have access. Parents must first create a new PowerSchool parent account to be able to use this CBE application and the guide link below.

Calgary Reads Volunteers Wanted

1) Calgary Reading:
 Calgary Reads offers several school-based reading and tutoring programs for young children. And we need your help. Each program relies on volunteers to make them successful. Visit for more information about how to get involved.
Volunteers must have a valid police check completed with the school’s office and need to attend training provided by Calgary Reads. You also must have experience with Wee Reads prior to taking Read-Up training.
* If we have enough parents interest we can run a Wee Reads training session right at the school! *
If you’re interested in volunteering please reach out to our Resource Teacher, Heather Mitschke at

Friday, September 14, 2018

Please book a conference time

This message is to inform you that a School Conference called "Thurs Sep 20 - K-Gr. 3 Student-Centred Conferences (Eve)" has been created by your school. Please note that the start date for parent’s booking is 16:00 PM (Sep 13, 2018), and booking ends at 11:59 AM (Sep 19, 2018).

My (School) Conference For Parents

All parents with children enrolled in the Calgary Board of Education schools have access. Parents must first create a new PowerSchool parent account to be able to use this CBE application and the guide link below.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Terry Fox Run Tomorrow

Reminder that the Terry Fox Run is tomorrow.  It is supposed to be cold and perhaps snowy.  Please make sure that your child wears warm clothing tomorrow as we will be outside for an extended period of time running. 
Thank you !

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Checklist for artifact presentation

In preparation for students to begin presenting their artifacts next week, teachers have been sharing and modeling how to present their own family artifacts.  We worked as a class to decide what made a presentation great and students worked together to decide what they needed to include.  One of the students also commented that the audience also needed a checklist to ensure that they were being attentive, engaged learners during each presentation.  I loved hearing that insight as it showed an awareness of learning being two ways in a presentation.  We then discussed what an audience needed to be doing and again developed a checklist for the students to follow.  Please see the final checklists below.  Your child will be evaluating themselves and their peers, as well as receiving teacher feedback based on these identified requirements. 

The presenter:
  •        I can hold up my artifact so everyone can see it.
  •        I can tell the story of my artifact. – Where it is from, who made it or who owned it first, why it is special.
  •        I can speak in a loud clear voice with expression while looking at my audience.
  •        I can tell a story that makes sense.
  •        I can make my story so interesting that people want to know more.

The audience:
  •        I can sit criss-cross with my listening ears on.
  •        I can ask those who are talking to stop.
  •        I can listen quietly.
  •        I can think of questions before, during and after the presentation.
  •        I can watch the person who is presenting without getting distracted.
  •        I can wait till the end to ask questions.
  •        I can look, think and wonder about the artifact.
  •        I can record my observations, thoughts and questions in my journal.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Artifacts - Sharing time

The following notice was sent home with your child today:

September 10, 2018

Dear Families,
Our inquiry this year focuses on the question, “How do our stories connect?”. Through this question we will be looking closely at ourselves, our families, our heritage, cultures and traditions, other distinct communities in Canada and the natural world around us.  To begin our investigation, we are exploring families; their culture, heritage and artifacts that they pass from generation to generation. What stories do these artifacts tell?  Why have they been saved.  What is the significance to your families’ stories?  Why is this artifact special?
To explore this topic, I am asking every student to share a special family artifact or a photograph of an artifact with the class. Please support your child in finding something to bring into the class and completing the questions below. Hopefully this will be a wonderful learning opportunity for your child to learn more about your family and what’s special to you. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Today I am sharing something that is special to my family.
I am sharing ____________________________________

This is special to my family because (please include where this artifact is from, who it was handed down to, where it came from, what meaning does it carry for your family and why it was saved) 

Thank you,
Grade 2 Teachers

Starting the week of September 17, students will have an opportunity to share their family artifact, it's history and the story behind the artifact.  Students may bring in the artifact itself, a photograph or in some cases may record a video of themselves sharing their artifact and it's story to share with the class digitally.  Students will be using their developing disciplinary literacy skills around "reading" like a historian or curator to observe, think and wonder about the artifacts presented.  We will also be creating an origin map within the classroom using small photographs of the objects to begin creating a cultural history depiction of our current classroom demographic.  Please assist your student in choosing a family artifact or heirloom to share with the class answering the questions outlined in the letter above.  

If you have any questions please contact me at

Thank you for your support.  I look forward to hearing the story of your child's family artifact. 

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...