Friday, April 26, 2019

April 26

April 26

Today we attended the play Return to Treasure Island which was put on by Storybook Theatre. The students loved the action, singing and humour in the play.

Earth Day was on April 22.  We discussed ways we can help the earth and wrote a piece on what the Earth would say if it could talk.  We also created some beautiful Earth Day art.  

In Inquiry we have been conducting several experiments to learn about how we can improve our boat designs. This week we learned about waterproofing and propulsion.  Below are some of the simple propulsion types we explored.  

This week in math we began learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  We explored regular and irregular 2D shapes as well as began learning more about what shapes are polygons in order to help us create our own meaning and understanding of the similarities and differences between shapes.  

1) Art materials:  we are in need of sticks about 5 cm in diameter and approximately 40 cm long for a very special project.  If you could send in any you have from yard work or that you find out walking by Friday May 3rd it would be greatly appreciated. 

Upcoming dates:
Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
May 6th-10th - Literacy Week (refer to April 18th post for more information)
May16th -Jump Rope for Heart Assembly
May 20th - No school due to Victoria day
May 24th - Stampede Breakfast
May 29th - Jump Rope for heart day
Jun 4th - Bike to School
Jun 13th - Sports Day
Jun 14th - Volunteer Tea
Jun 25th - School BBQ
Jun 26 - Last day of school

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...