Monday, September 17, 2018

Artifact sharing

Today the students started sharing their family artifacts.  It was really interesting to hear the stories behind what made each artifact special to that child and family.  Please remember to help your child rehearse what they are going to say. We are looking to hear where in the world the artifact originated from, who originally owned it, how old is it, if it was purchased or made, and why it is special to your family.  These presentations are a springboard into our inquiry around the question, "How do our stories connect?"  Students will need to keep the following criteria in mind as they present and as they record their observations, thinking and wonderings about the artifacts. 

The presenter:
  •        I can hold up my artifact so everyone can see it.
  •        I can tell the story of my artifact. – Where it is from, who made it or who owned it first, why it is special.
  •        I can speak in a loud clear voice with expression while looking at my audience.
  •        I can tell a story that makes sense.
  •        I can make my story so interesting that people want to know more.

The audience:
  •        I can sit criss-cross with my listening ears on.
  •        I can ask those who are talking to stop.
  •        I can listen quietly.
  •        I can think of questions before, during and after the presentation.
  •        I can watch the person who is presenting without getting distracted.
  •        I can wait till the end to ask questions.
  •        I can look, think and wonder about the artifact.
  •        I can record my observations, thoughts and questions in my journal.

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...