Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Artifacts - Sharing time

The following notice was sent home with your child today:

September 10, 2018

Dear Families,
Our inquiry this year focuses on the question, “How do our stories connect?”. Through this question we will be looking closely at ourselves, our families, our heritage, cultures and traditions, other distinct communities in Canada and the natural world around us.  To begin our investigation, we are exploring families; their culture, heritage and artifacts that they pass from generation to generation. What stories do these artifacts tell?  Why have they been saved.  What is the significance to your families’ stories?  Why is this artifact special?
To explore this topic, I am asking every student to share a special family artifact or a photograph of an artifact with the class. Please support your child in finding something to bring into the class and completing the questions below. Hopefully this will be a wonderful learning opportunity for your child to learn more about your family and what’s special to you. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Today I am sharing something that is special to my family.
I am sharing ____________________________________

This is special to my family because (please include where this artifact is from, who it was handed down to, where it came from, what meaning does it carry for your family and why it was saved) 

Thank you,
Grade 2 Teachers

Starting the week of September 17, students will have an opportunity to share their family artifact, it's history and the story behind the artifact.  Students may bring in the artifact itself, a photograph or in some cases may record a video of themselves sharing their artifact and it's story to share with the class digitally.  Students will be using their developing disciplinary literacy skills around "reading" like a historian or curator to observe, think and wonder about the artifacts presented.  We will also be creating an origin map within the classroom using small photographs of the objects to begin creating a cultural history depiction of our current classroom demographic.  Please assist your student in choosing a family artifact or heirloom to share with the class answering the questions outlined in the letter above.  

If you have any questions please contact me at skcook@cbe.ab.ca

Thank you for your support.  I look forward to hearing the story of your child's family artifact. 

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...