Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb. 8

Feb 8

This week in writing we continued our exploration of poetry as we learned how to write  rhyming, haiku, cinquain and limerick poems. We found writing a rhyming poem a bit challenging.  

In math we began to learn about double digit stacking subtraction using base ten blocks and how to regroup 10 if we do not have enough subtract from in the one's column. We discovered that regrouping can be a bit tricky but we need to persevere. Below is a video we used to explain regrouping when subtracting. Please take some time to practice with me. 

In Inquiry we thought like a historian while examining several Inuit artifacts. Before we discovered what they where we had to identify what we thought they were, what we thought they were used for, what we thought they were made out of and any wonders or questions we had about the artifact. Then we read some facts about the artifacts and recorded it's Inuiktitut and English name along with something we learned about the artifact. 

This week we also started to create free form art sculptures out of wire hangers and nylon stockings. We will continue working on these sculptures in our next art class. 

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...