Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb. 13

Reminder:  There is no school on Thursday, Friday and Monday for Teacher's Convention and Family Day.  Enjoy your long weekend!

This week in writing we continued our exploration of poetry as we learned how to write a poem using personification and onomatopoeia. We also tried writing a Free Verse poem while thinking about how we could apply what we had learned. Then we used the self-assessment below to evaluate our poetry.

In math we learned several math games to practice double digit addition and subtraction. See below for pictures of a few of the math games we learned to play this week.  


In Inquiry, we started learning about maps, features of maps, and how to identify places on a map. We also tried a geography quiz about Canada.  Take a look at the link and try out the quiz for yourself. As a class we got 100%!

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...