Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Take the Thermostat Challenge

1) Thermostat Challenge: As part of international Polar Bear day on Feb 27th the grade 2 students have been tasked with taking on the thermostat challenge. Yesterday students brought home a sheet where they can record the temperature to show how they took on the thermostat challenge. Please complete the challenge and then return the thermostat sheet by Friday Mar 8th.

Friday, February 22, 2019

February 22

Pink Shirt Day!

Hello ROS families. On Thursday, February 28th, we will be recognizing Pink Shirt Day. It is a day where we encourage everyone to practice kindness and wear pink to symbolize that we do not tolerate bullying. Throughout the day, students will participate in activities that inspire acceptance, care for others and themselves and will conclude with a school wide assembly. To show support, students are encouraged to wear pink or their blue ROS shirts.

For more information about Pink Shirt Day, please check out: https://www.pinkshirtday.ca/about

Thank you so much,
Circle of courage committee 

Attention Coffee & Tea lovers. Our current fundraiser is almost complete. We will accept any outstanding tea/coffee orders up until Monday Feb 25. Please email rosfundraisingsociety@gmail.com with any questions. Lets warm up this chilly winter!!
Thanks so much for supporting our kids school!

This week we continued to work on writing poetry.  Students chose their favourite poem, edited it, submitted it for peer review, wrote it out for publication in a good copy then self evaluated their work based on the poetry rubric.  
In math we are continuing to work on adding and subtracting double digit numbers.  Extra practice at home to solidify basic addition and subtraction facts to 20 would be beneficial as many errors are being made in computing.  
In inquiry we discovered that the animal adaptation of increased layers of blubber helps animals stay warm in the arctic and in the ocean.  We also completed our Aurora Borealis sculptures today.  A few are on display in the main office. 


Next week we have inline skating on Tuesday and on Wednesday.  Please remember to bring your helmets if you have one.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb. 13

Reminder:  There is no school on Thursday, Friday and Monday for Teacher's Convention and Family Day.  Enjoy your long weekend!

This week in writing we continued our exploration of poetry as we learned how to write a poem using personification and onomatopoeia. We also tried writing a Free Verse poem while thinking about how we could apply what we had learned. Then we used the self-assessment below to evaluate our poetry.

In math we learned several math games to practice double digit addition and subtraction. See below for pictures of a few of the math games we learned to play this week.  


In Inquiry, we started learning about maps, features of maps, and how to identify places on a map. We also tried a geography quiz about Canada.  Take a look at the link and try out the quiz for yourself. As a class we got 100%!

Feb. 8

Feb 8

This week in writing we continued our exploration of poetry as we learned how to write  rhyming, haiku, cinquain and limerick poems. We found writing a rhyming poem a bit challenging.  

In math we began to learn about double digit stacking subtraction using base ten blocks and how to regroup 10 if we do not have enough subtract from in the one's column. We discovered that regrouping can be a bit tricky but we need to persevere. Below is a video we used to explain regrouping when subtracting. Please take some time to practice with me. 

In Inquiry we thought like a historian while examining several Inuit artifacts. Before we discovered what they where we had to identify what we thought they were, what we thought they were used for, what we thought they were made out of and any wonders or questions we had about the artifact. Then we read some facts about the artifacts and recorded it's Inuiktitut and English name along with something we learned about the artifact. 

This week we also started to create free form art sculptures out of wire hangers and nylon stockings. We will continue working on these sculptures in our next art class. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Valentine's Day

There is no school on Valentine's Day as it is Teacher's Convention.  Therefore we will observe Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 14.  Students are invited to bring a valentine for each
of their classmates on this day if they want to bring Valentine's.  We will take some time at the end of the school day to distribute them.  Please do not send any baked goods, candy or other edible treats as we are unable to hand these out.
Please find a class list below of all the students in our classroom.


Please also dress in red or pink on this day!!

Monday, February 4, 2019

Volunteers needed for Alien Inline skating.

We will need LOTS of volunteer help with the Alien Inline Skating program. If you have a valid police clearance we hope you will consider helping our class to get into their gear safely and quickly. Please follow the link to sign up.

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...