Friday, January 18, 2019



Your child is bringing home their log in card for a computer and/or ipad math program called Mathletics.  This online program is fully aligned with the Alberta Math curriculum.  It provides a place for extra practise and extension activities.  Students are welcome to use the program at any time to reinforce their math learning.  At certain times I may assign a specific activity to your child if I feel he/she needs some extra practise in order to master a concept.  If I assign a task it will pop up as soon as your child logs in.  Mathletics Live also lets your child compete again other students in timed math challenges for basic facts.  This is a fun way to practice and eventually commit to memory addition and subtraction facts.  If you have any questions please contact me.

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...