Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 11

Jan 11

We have had an amazing first week back. The students have been very busy thinking like curators as they prepare museum exhibits for their Celebration of Learning on Jan 24th from 6-7. They can't wait to share their learning with you and we hope all of you will be able to attend. 

This week students also finished off their  how to writing project on "How build a lego_________" and have posted their work on IRIS. Over the weekend take some time to to view their video and try to build their lego model following the instructions they have given.

In math we have been exploring how to use a number line for both addition and subtraction. Below are a couple of the problems we have been trying with a number line. Feel free to change the numbers and have some fun with your child. 

1) Celebration of Learning: You’re Invited! You are invited to the grade 2 students’ Celebration of Learning on January 24th from 6-7. Your child has been working to prepare for this Celebration of Learning and is excited to sharing their learning with you. Please make sure to also bring a cash donation of a minimum $5 for a digital copy of the Grade 2’s amazing Search for Delicious Recipe book. Your donation of $5 will go directly to the Calgary Food Bank. You are also welcome to bring a non-perishable food donation.

We cannot wait to see you there,

From the Grade 2 team

2) Search for Delicious Recipes: If have not had a chance please send your recipe and story behind the recipe no later then Monday Jan 14th. 

Upcoming dates:
Jan 23 - Book Truck
Jan 24th - Celebration of Learning
Feb 1st - No school
Feb 18th - No school due to Family Day
Feb 22nd - Pink Shirt Day

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...