Friday, December 14, 2018

This week we have been reviewing double digit addition strategies in math.  Students are learning which strategies are more efficient and practising their developing skills.  In literacy we have been continuing with our mixed literacy centres focusing on individual skill development around decoding, comprehension and critical thinking.  In writing we are practicing our procedural or 'how to' writing.  Our inquiry has been focused on the early settlers and the importance of the railway and urban development.  Students have been focused on learning about the impacts of the railway on development from different perspectives.  

Next week is Spirit Week at Royal Oak School.  Notices went home last week abut the various days and there is a schedule posted below as well.  

Important Dates

Dec 17th - Carol singing at 1:30
Dec 17th- Pajama Day
Dec 18th - Crazy Hat Day
Dec 19th- Royal Blue Day
Dec 19th - Carol singing at 11:20
Dec 20th - Crazy Sock Day (you can also bring a pair to donate)
Dec 21st - Crazy Hair Day
Dec 21st - Last day of classes before winter break
Jan 7th - Classes resume
January 24 - Grade 2 Celebration of Learning

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...