Monday, December 17, 2018

Search for Delicious

Dear parents/caregivers,

Grade two students have been reading. ‘The Search for Delicious’, a book written by Natalie Babbitt. In this fictional story, the main character is on a quest for the king to survey the citizens of all the land to find out what the most delicious food or drink is.

We are asking families to have a discussion to decide what their family thinks the most delicious recipe is. Our hope is that families will share a recipe of their most delicious food. We would like families to share not just the recipe but the story behind it.

  1. What is the most delicious recipe in your family?
  2. Where does it come from?
  3. Is there a story or a memory from this recipe?
  4. What part of the world did this recipe originate in?

We will be doing instructional writing and drawing with this recipe. Our hope is to create a giant compilation of DELICIOUS recipes from around the world. Recipes that have a history and story.

Please send your recipe and story in by the last day of School before Winter Break: Friday December 21st, 2018.

You are free to email them to your child’s classroom teacher:
Mrs. Lagrana:
Ms. Quesnel:
Ms. Cook:
Ms. MacDonald:
Ms. Devereux:
Mrs. Shillington-Vogan:

If you are unable to send this digitally then please photocopy the original so no master copies are lost or misplaced!

A note was sent home last week with a template attached to tell us a little about your special recipe.

Feel free to send a picture if you have one that tells the story of your family recipe.

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...