Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20

This week in science we have started our magnet unit and brainstormed what we already know, how magnets are important in our world and what we wonder about magnets. Students are now experimenting at a variety of centres to test their hypotheses and answer their own questions. 

This week in writing we began to learn about "how to" or procedural writing. We have been thinking about the different procedural or action words that will help us write clear instructions. We started writing about how to build a Lego structure and are testing our procedural writing on each other.  

 Family RecipeInformation was sent home on Dec 12th. Please discuss with your child a recipe that they could bring in or email to me by Dec 21st to share with the class. These will become a part of our Grade 2 recipe book.  

I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a wonderful holiday.  Enjoy the break and I will see you all in the new year.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Search for Delicious

Dear parents/caregivers,

Grade two students have been reading. ‘The Search for Delicious’, a book written by Natalie Babbitt. In this fictional story, the main character is on a quest for the king to survey the citizens of all the land to find out what the most delicious food or drink is.

We are asking families to have a discussion to decide what their family thinks the most delicious recipe is. Our hope is that families will share a recipe of their most delicious food. We would like families to share not just the recipe but the story behind it.

  1. What is the most delicious recipe in your family?
  2. Where does it come from?
  3. Is there a story or a memory from this recipe?
  4. What part of the world did this recipe originate in?

We will be doing instructional writing and drawing with this recipe. Our hope is to create a giant compilation of DELICIOUS recipes from around the world. Recipes that have a history and story.

Please send your recipe and story in by the last day of School before Winter Break: Friday December 21st, 2018.

You are free to email them to your child’s classroom teacher:
Mrs. Lagrana:
Ms. Quesnel:
Ms. Cook:
Ms. MacDonald:
Ms. Devereux:
Mrs. Shillington-Vogan:

If you are unable to send this digitally then please photocopy the original so no master copies are lost or misplaced!

A note was sent home last week with a template attached to tell us a little about your special recipe.

Feel free to send a picture if you have one that tells the story of your family recipe.

Friday, December 14, 2018

This week we have been reviewing double digit addition strategies in math.  Students are learning which strategies are more efficient and practising their developing skills.  In literacy we have been continuing with our mixed literacy centres focusing on individual skill development around decoding, comprehension and critical thinking.  In writing we are practicing our procedural or 'how to' writing.  Our inquiry has been focused on the early settlers and the importance of the railway and urban development.  Students have been focused on learning about the impacts of the railway on development from different perspectives.  

Next week is Spirit Week at Royal Oak School.  Notices went home last week abut the various days and there is a schedule posted below as well.  

Important Dates

Dec 17th - Carol singing at 1:30
Dec 17th- Pajama Day
Dec 18th - Crazy Hat Day
Dec 19th- Royal Blue Day
Dec 19th - Carol singing at 11:20
Dec 20th - Crazy Sock Day (you can also bring a pair to donate)
Dec 21st - Crazy Hair Day
Dec 21st - Last day of classes before winter break
Jan 7th - Classes resume
January 24 - Grade 2 Celebration of Learning

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Home Reading Update

Dear Families,

For those students that are engaging in our Home Reading Program, we have a few reminders and updates at this time of year:
  • Students that have been accessing Home Reading, but are now reading at a level L or above will no longer be receiving Home Reading Books after school returns in January.  Our Home Reading Program supports students below level L, as many of the texts that students are able to access in the Learning Commons, and through the Book Truck as well as within the rich literacy experiences in our classroom are accessible for students at that level.
  • If you have more than one child at our school that is participating in Home Reading, please make sure that the books that come home are returned to school in the specific Home Reading bag that they came home in.  We have had some difficulty with siblings returning each other’s books, which has caused some confusion for our lovely Home Reading Ladies and their tracking system. Your assistance in keeping the books organized is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for supporting your child as they become stronger and more confident readers!

Mrs. Mitschke
Resource Teacher
Dear Parents,

I am very pleased to be rejoining my class at Royal Oak.  I would like to extend a huge "Thank you!" to Ms. Boston for teaching my class in my absence.  We have had an opportunity this week to work and plan together to ease the transition for the students.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me to discuss them.  I look forward to reconnecting with each of you and to working with your children to grow, discover and learn together.

Kim Cook
Learning Leader/Grade 2 Teacher

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...