Tuesday, September 4, 2018

First day and a question

We had a wonderful first day back at school today.  It was so exciting to see so many familiar and new faces and to hear about all of their summer adventures. 
We started talking today about ways in which we define ourselves.  This will lead us into our initial investigations into our inquiry question this year which is; "What is our story and how do our stories connect?'
We will be looking at what characteristics make each of us the unique individuals that we are.  As a part of this exploration we will be talking with students about their names.  If you could please discuss the following questions:
1.  Who are you named after?  Or how did your parents choose your name?
2. Who named you?
3.  What culture is your name from?
4. What is special about your name?
5.  Does your name have a special meaning?
6.  What else are you wondering about your name?

Thank you. 
I look forward to some lively discussions.

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...