Friday, August 31, 2018

Welcome to Grade 2

  Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year.  My name is Kim Cook and I am delighted to be your child’s grade 2 teacher this year.  This is my second year at Royal Oak School. I love the community and school family here at Royal Oak. And am excited to be a part of a dynamic learning community where students and teachers grow, learn, create and discover together.  I have been teacher for over twenty years.  Prior to coming to Royal Oak, I taught grade 1/2 at Colonel Walker School.  I’ve also taught preschool, kindergarten, grade 1 and special education classes.

My husband and I just celebrated our 25th anniversary this summer and I have two wonderful grown children, Josh and Beth, who are pursuing post-secondary studies here in Calgary. We also have a furry family member named Toby who loves to explore the various pathways and off leash areas around Tuscany, where I live.  In my free time I love to read, cook, hike and canoe.  My family is in the process of building an off-grid cabin in BC so my summer was filled with a variety of construction projects at the lake and some fun times together playing on the water. 

The first weeks of school will be spent getting to know each other as individuals, classmates and learners. As a team, we will develop classroom guidelines in order to help us understand how we will interact with others and with our environment. This year we will be exploring the question, “How do our stories connect?”  This question will guide us as we look at a variety of dynamic communities within Canada, explore our past and examine our role in a diverse society.  It will also guide us in examining more closely the natural world around us and how we fit in an d experience these natural wonders.  In Grade 2 we work independently, in pairs, small groups, and as a whole class.  We design, build and test our questions and ideas in Inquiry.  We read, share and tell our own stories as well as listen and seek to understand each other and the world around us. We have lots of fun while engaging our minds. 

Inspiring meaningful learning

For learning to be personally relevant, connected and meaningful, grade 2 students are encouraged to adopt a flexible mindset.  To bring to life cross curricular competencies such as problem solving, creativity, and critical thinking and to support literacy and numeracy development throughout student learning experiences, tasks are designed to invite all students into a personal and collaborative inquiry.  This approach allows each student to develop attitudes, skills and knowledge that support the developmental growth of competencies.
To spark inquiry, students are encouraged to ask I wonder questions.   Their wonderings inform the investigations that follow and new understandings, meanings and knowledge are built and then communicated with others.  This leads us into looking at the world around us more closely and develops our methods of inquiry and enables students to develop their disciplinary literacy within the inquiry process. 
Assessment is a continuous process and pursued through a range of practices including: observation, anecdotal records, portfolios in IRIS, conversations, and work samples.  Formative assessment, assessment for learning, is part of the continuous interaction between the student and the teacher and is designed to assist students and teachers by checking learning to decide what to do next.  It guides instruction and the development of learning tasks. 
Summative assessment, assessment of learning, is a comparison at a particular moment in time between individual student achievement and the learner outcomes of the Alberta Programs of Study and/or appropriate individual program goals.
Students are expected to be engaged in assessing their own learning process.  They must be able to:
  •                  Gather evidence of their learning:  knowledge, skills and progress.
  •                   Understand their progress in relation to learning outcomes
  •                  Reflect upon ways they learn best and develop personal strategies
  •                   Make decisions about next steps
  •                 Communicate with parents and teachers on an ongoing basis about their learning.

This year we will be communicating our learning and classroom events through our classroom blogs.  You may access it by clicking on the link below or by going to our school website, clicking on Teaching and Learning at the top of the page, then clicking on Classes and Departments, then scrolling through to find my name under the Grade 2 heading. 
I can’t wait to see you and I am looking forward to sharing the 2018-2019 school year together!
When you arrive at the school on Tuesday the teachers will meet you on the compound to direct you to which door you will be entering through.

See you soon!
Mrs. Cook
Learning Leader/Teacher, Royal Oak School

Calgary Board of Education |
t| 403-777-6279

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...