Monday, April 15, 2019

April 8 - 12

Volunteer needed:  We will be attending a performance on April 26 at Storybook Theatre.  I am in need of one volunteer to join us on this date to assist with supervision to and from the theatre and during the performance. If you are able to help out and have current volunteer clearance please use the following link to sign up.

This week in Room 72 we continued to work on and practice our oral renditions of our Arctic stories.  Please help your student practice retelling their story, concentrating on voice, facial expression, volume and eye contact.  

In inquiry, we designed, built and tested our initial boat designs.  Students will be exploring concepts related to buoyancy, stability, density and waterproofing as well as learning more about the Acadians and how they used boats before refining their boat designs and builds.  

Upcoming dates:

Apr 5, 12, 26, 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
Apr 8th - Grade 2 team presenting at parent council
Apr 11th - Group class picture day
Apr 18th - Grade 2 Dental Health presentation
Apr 19th - No school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  No school due to professional development
Apr 26 - Story book Theatre field trip.  

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...