Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week of April 15-18

April 18

Today, we had a dental health presentation and learned all about how to keep our teeth clean. Our teachers even got to be teeth. Ask me about what I learned or about my favourite part.

This week in writing we posted our oral stories to IRIS. Please take some time over the weekend to check out your child's work and write a comment. You can use the oral story telling rubric that your child also posted to IRIS to talk about what they did well and what they might change or do differently next time.  

This week in math we tried some challenging problems that required 2-3 steps to solve.  this required us to think critically about the steps we needed to take and to use multiple equations to determine the correct answer.  We found that we had some challenges around determining what operation we needed to use to solve the problem and  some of us were not yet sure of our basic addition and subtraction facts to 20.  We will continue to work on strengthening our basic math facts and reading word problems carefully to determine what operation we need to use in order to answer the question.  See below for a few that you can try at home.  

Madison is reading a book that has 98 pages in it. She read 42 pages over the weekend. Then she read 30 more pages on Monday night. How many pages does Madison have left to read?

Steven bought two boxes of erasers. One box has 24 erasers in it. The other box had 36 erasers in it. He then gave 18 of his erasers to his friend. How many erasers did Steven have left?

In football a player scores 6 points for a touchdown and 3 points for a field goal. Sally's team scored 2 touchdowns in this week's game. Last week they scored 1 touchdown and 1 field goal. How many points did Sally's team score in both games combined?

1) Bouldering rock climbing form: please make sure to return the form by Tuesday, April 23rd as we start bouldering on that day and students must have the form returned in order to participate.  

Upcoming dates:

Apr 5, 12, 26, May 3, 10 and 24 - Circle of Courage clubs 
Apr 19th - no school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  no school due to professional development
Apr 26th - Story book Theatre field trip

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...