Friday, March 8, 2019

March 8

March 8

This week in art we examined the artwork of Canadian artist, Ted Harrison.  We noticed that he used bright colours, shapes and lines to separate each colour.  We then used his artistic style to create a background for the arctic animals we are researching.  Lastly we added the silhouette of their animal.  

This week in writing, we continued learning about arctic stories and began to independently identify the characters,  setting, problem, solution, lesson learned, powerful words and if there was an element of magic. 

In Inquiry, we worked in groups to begin creating Arctic food chains and learned about the animals that are important to the Arctic ecosystem and what might happen if an animal became extinct. Then we selected an animal to research and began to gather information about our animal. Soon we will be using the information to create a google slide presentation.

In Math, we used CUBES as a tool to help us solve double digit word problems. Here are a couple of problems you can try at home with your child.

Gwen has 57 marbles. 43 are big and the rest are small. How many marbles are small?

There were 46 nickels in the jar. 11 of them were taken out. How many nickels are left in the jar?

Mike has 90 ribbons and Hope has 24 ribbons. How many more ribbons does Mike have than Hope?

1) ConferencesThis week the booking system for conferences opened. If you haven't had a chance yet please take some time to sign up for your child's conference.  Question forms will be coming home next week.  

Upcoming dates:
Mar 21 and 22 - Conferences
Mar 23-31 - Spring Break
Apr 8th -Grade 2 team presenting at parent council
Apr 11th - Group class picture day
Apr 19th - No school due to Good Friday 
Apr 22 -  No school due to professional development

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...