Thursday, January 31, 2019

Week of Jan 28 - Feb 1

Inuit Artifacts

This week we began examining many different Inuit artifacts, asking ourselves what they are used for, shat they are made out of and thinking about what I wonder questions we may have about the artifacts.  For each artifact we will be sketching and writing two I thinks and one I wonder about what we are examining.  After examining the artifacts we will begin to learn more about them, what they are called in Inuktitut, and what function they served in Inuit culture and daily life.  

This week in writing we continued our exploration of poetry as we learned about the different types of figurative language such as simile and metaphors. We also learned how to write an acrostic and list poem. 

In Math we began using our knowledge of place value to tackle stacked addition problems
We need to remember to always start with the one's column and to regroup and carry a ten over to the ten's column when we have more then ten ones after adding the one's column.
We will continue working on this skill to solidify students' understanding of the addition process before moving on to subtraction.

Important Information:

1) Wire Hanger: Students need to bring in a wire hanger or several for a sculptural art project that we will be starting next Friday, Feb 8th.

2) Alien Inline skating form and payment: Please return the form and make the payment of $11.37 by Monday Feb 11th.

3) Winter warm up (Royal Oak Fundraising Society): Forms were sent home today. If you would like to participate please make your order by Tuesday Feb 19th.

Upcoming dates:
Feb 1st - No school
Feb 5th and 7th from 4pm-6pm family skating at the Royal Oak Community outdoor rink. 
Feb. 14 & 15 - No School for Teacher's Convention.
Feb 11th - 28th Alien in line skating
Feb 18th - No school due to Family Day
Feb 22nd - Pink Shirt Day

Summer Links

As we head into summer, I thought I would post a few links for those students who may want to keep their learning skills sharp over the summ...